Thursday, February 28, 2013

Writer's Block

You know what I really hate?  Writers block.  That's right, you know how it is.  All day long, while your at work doing a menial job that almost, but not quite pays the bills, lots of decent ideas cross your mind.  You maybe even flesh some of them out a bit thinking you're going to get a couple days, maybe even three days worth of ideas worked out to write about.  Of course, you're working, so you can't just stop and grab a pen and start jotting this stuff down, absolutely not, that would slow production down. So you get home, help your roommate finish disassembling the kitchen sink (damn faucett broke a couple days ago), fix yourself a quick bite, check facebook, and then sit down to write .....  and nothing.   Not one dratted decent idea.  Ain't that a pain in the tail feathers?  So ya go through facebook again (cause there is usually quite a bit of stuff there to be grumpy about, but nothing tickles your feathers there.  So you hop over to twitter ... nope, not a darned thing there either.  So you get up and pace around the house for a bit, maybe get a little more to eat, drink some water, sit back down, and there is that blank monitor, mocking you.  Very frustrating to say the least.  You check your watch and it is almost 9:00.  You have wasted your entire evening, and instead of getting into the sack a bit early as planned, you are now going to be short on sleep.  What a load of bull!  What happened to the decent ideas that you had when you didn't need them yet?  huh?  Gone, your muse is teasing you.  I suspect she gets off on that.  I would call her bad names, but I think she likes that too.   So I guess this all you're going to get tonight, hopefully I can be grumpy about something tomorrow.

Vitam Libertatem Honorem

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