Monday, February 25, 2013

Illegal Aliens

I do not understand why so many Americans seem to have a problem with the term "Illegal Aliens"  I mean they are aliens (non-citizens) and the are here illegally (undocumented or on expired visas) so why not call them what they are?  But that isn't really my biggest gripe about this subject ...  My biggest gripe is when people like the Senate, or the President start talking about Amnesty for these illegal aliens.  Why in the world would we grant these criminals amnesty???  And they are criminals, never doubt that.  The very fact that they are currently on American soil, without having come through proper means is a violation of the law (this means they have committed a criminal act, just in case you are a leftist and a little slow).  In my humble opinion, it is a slap in the face to every LEGAL IMMIGRANT in the country, who worked hard to get here and become citizens through legal means, to allow these criminals to become citizens, or to have access to government programs and resources.  The are not citizens and as such have NO rights!  They should all be arrested, tried, and after serving time in a labor camp (this is like prison, but you are expected to work and I mean work like slaves for your room and board), and then shipped back to where ever they came from.  OH, and for those whop think they can come over and give birth and then get to stay because their child was born here ....  Take the child and put him/her up for adoption, the arrest the criminal etc.  Keep in mind these people are criminals already.  They have illegally crossed our border, they continue to be here without authorization, and they use government services (something that as non-citizens they have absolutely no right whatsoever to do).  We need to start treating them like the criminals they are. I can not believe that there is any ambiguity about this. We need to close our borders (by this I mean stop allowing anyone to enter our country illegally and if that means shooting criminals who continue to try and enter our country, then so be it), and then we need to get these illegal aliens out of here.

Vitam Libertatem Honorem

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