Monday, February 18, 2013

Immigration Reform???

     Wow, really?  I keep hearing about how the President and the Democrats in the Senate, don't want to use the phrase "Illegal Aliens" during discussions of immigration reform, and how there needs to be a system for these people to become citizens here.  What???  First off, there is already a system to come to America legally, and apply for citizenship, and eventually become a Naturalized Citizen.  In my humble opinion, it is a slap in the face to every Naturalized American, who went through the system legally (like they are supposed to) and jump through all the required hoops, and filled out and filed all the necessary paperwork, to legally be here and become a citizen.  Secondly, I don't give a hairless rat's hind end what they want or don't want to hear, if you have come into this country in violation of the legally accepted method, and have none of the legal documentation to be here, then you have broken the law!  This makes you an illegal alien.  I don't really care if you like being called that or not, you are not a citizen here, and as such, you have no rights, and should be getting no benefits.  As a matter of fact, you should be in hiding all of the time, living in fear that the authorities have finally tracked you down, and will arrest you, imprison you, and then DEPORT your ass!  I don't really care why you came here the way you did, I don't care what kind of sob story you have that you think excuses your actions, but the bottom line is this:  YOU BROKE THE LAW!    You boke the law by coming here without authorization, you are continuing to break the law every day that you are here just by remaining here, and you further break the law by fraudulently receiving benefits from city, state, and federal services that you are not legally allowed to receive, because you are an illegal alien not a citizen.  I can not believe that congress is even debating finding a way, or passing a set of laws to allow these CRIMINALS to get driver's licences,  jobs, government benefits, and yes, even citizenship.  What is wrong with this picture???  Just by the very act of being here these people are engaging in criminal activity, and we want to reward them for it???   Are you kidding me?  I know this is probably going to piss a few people off, but damn it, this is how I feel about it.  These people are criminals, and need to be treated as such, and we need to start doing a much better job of controlling our borders and stopping these illegals from getting here in the first place!

Vitam Libertatem Honerem

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