Sunday, February 17, 2013

Break the Silence

     Ok, I suppose I should mention why I decided to start a blog in the first place.  I was talking with some acquaintances, and was completely surprised when a couple of them agreed with me on some things that I thought I was arguing a bit on the conspiracy whack job   side, and I was like, wow, I thought I was the only who even considered things like that.  I realized that as seriously alone as I thought I was on many subjects, there was no way I (just a lowly little factory worker in the middle of nowhere Ohio) was ever going to make a difference of any importance.  But there is a small difference I can make.  I can let people know that they are not alone.  I can express my views, and "grump" about the problems that I see, and the moral decline, and government abuses that are plaguing America, and let people who also see these same things and feel the same way, that indeed they are not alone.  It is a scary thing to believe yourself to be alone in fighting something that you see as a life and death struggle for the soul of your nation.  Once you see that you are not alone, however, strength and courage can be found to do what ever is in your power to do to stem the tide of the evil that is dragging our nation down into darkness.  Even if that is only to refuse to remain silent.  So I decided to start this.  The odds are few people, if anyone will ever really read these little rants, or that anything in them will be so inspiring as to cause others to take action.  But there is always hope.  Will I keep this up and continue posting here for very long?  To be honest, I don't know.  I have started projects before and never really followed through with them, and eventually dropped them altogether.  Also I can sit around a table with a friend or to and rant for hours about the government, or societal issues, or what ever the the news of the day is, but as I sit here to type this in, I find my words drying up ... I have trouble thinking of a subject to rant about or the right words to use to express what I mean.  But we will see, I will try.  So there it is.  That is why I am doing this.  I know it may seem silly to some, but whatever.  And if your reading this, regardless if you feel as I do, or you feel strongly opposed to me, never allow yourself to be silenced.  I may disagree with what you have to say, but I will fight to the death to defend your right to say it.  


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