Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Short Rant about Election 2012

Ok, so like, it's way late, and I should be in bed already, but I do have a grump from a while back.  I had a fair number of friends who voted for Obama, largely because Romney "is going to set women's rights back 60 years".  Wow, really???  I have to wonder why some people seem to think it is ok to say "keep the government out of our reproductive rights (don't legislate abortion) but at the same time, seem to think it should be required that the government mandate that tax dollars be used to pay for abortions and birth control, or that the government should be able to force employers to pay for these things even if they are morally opposed to them.  I just don't understand how having government support free birth control, and abortion on demand, is worth having a president who continuously spends money we don't have, tries to find new ways of taxing everyone (if his taxes, fees, or penalties cause prices to rise, then they effect us all), and seems hell bent on finding new and inventive ways to violate both the letter and intent of the U.S. Constitution that he has sworn (twice now) to uphold.  I mean that is just rampant insanity!  That is almost as bad as the people who wouldn't vote for Romney because "you (the republicans) can't beat Obama without us" decided to prove it and all voted for a third party candidate who didn't have a prayer of winning, which effectively helped move Obama closer to having the needed votes to win.  While I will admit that Romney was not my first, second, or even really my third choice (all of my favorites were run over by the main stream media), Romney would have been a whole hell of a lot better than four more years of Obama.  We may have been able to recover from four years of Romney, but I don't know that we will ever be able to recover from this.  ok, I am done ranting now and heading to bed.

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