Monday, March 4, 2013

Money, and My Lack Thereof

     I guess tonight I am grumping about money!  I don't know how some people make it.  My house payment is fairly low, and I have a married couple that lives with me who make the house payment for me, and I still can't keep up with the darned bills!  It's not like I am spending tons of money on frivolous stuff either.  I haven't been out to eat unless mom and dad were buying in forever, and I almost never get anything that isn't groceries or a necessity anymore.  and there is no help to be had for me.  I make way too much money to get food stamps, or to qualify for assistance with utilities.  plus I am now only getting paid every other week, which means I have to keep out enough money to last me two weeks, (gas, lunches, etc) and only make any payments on bills twice a month ....  I hate that .... Just another way Jeld-Wen is screwing me.  (yeah I know they aren't doing it deliberately to screw me, but it sure feels that way)  Hell it's bad enough that they forced me to have Direct Deposit!   I hate that.  The band didn't work for that money, why do they get it before I do?  How is that fair or equitable?  Now I am only going to be paid every other week inspite of the fact that I work every week!  What the heck is up with that?  So money is tight, and it seems I just keep falling further and further behind ...  My cell phone has already been shut off, and my electric and internet are getting close, and I just don't know what I'm going to do.  I worry about it all the time (yeah, I know it doesn't do any good, but I can't help it), it keeps me up at night, and leaves me short tempered and depressed (more than usual) during the day.  I haven't had anything in the house to drink but water since like november when I drank the last of the iced tea mix ....  And I have a decent job plus the roomies helping out ...  I don't know how someone with kids, even with both parents working can possibly be making ends meet right now .... gasoline is costing me a freaking fortune, food prices are up, all my bills are way higher than when I bought this house 4 years ago, but my paycheck is actually smaller now than it was then.  Well, that is my grump for the night ... going to try and get to bed early for a change ...

Vitam Libertatem Honorem

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