Wednesday, March 6, 2013

I Hate Unions!

    I didn't post a grump yesterday, because I knew what I wanted to grump about, but was still too upset by the situation to post about it last night.  I must warn you, if you are a big union man, or woman, you should probably stop right here. You can of course, keep reading, but as I am about to start grumping about unions, it might be better for your blood pressure if you don't.

     OK, let me start this this out by getting this off my chest ..... I am 45 years old, and have never, in all my life, paid somebody to either find me work, or to be allowed to work someplace ... ever.  That having been said, there is a union trying to get a foothold, in the company that I am employed by, Jeld-Wen.  This union, The International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers (IAMAW or just IAM), had people handing out literature (including union cards) by the entrances to the parking lot last friday.  I was a bit concerned then, but they were run off by management, and I had hoped that no one stupid enough to send a card in, had been given one yet.  Well, yesterday (Tuesday) we started having meetings, by department, to inform us that it wasn't just us, but that IAM is after every Jeld-Wen Plant in the country!  The Jeld-Wen corporate office hired a consulting firm to give us information about this union, how unions operate, and what we could expect in the coming weeks and months as they (IAM) try to get a foothold on our plant.  Now I am getting a bit concerned.  This must be fairly serious if corporate is sending professionals to make sure we get accurate information without any legalities being crossed.  Later that day, I heard a few of my fellow employees (and I heard more of the same from others today) talking about the changes joining a union could bring.  Now let me tell you something.  I am not here to "out" any of my fellow employees.  I have no intention of naming names now or ever .... that's just not the way I play the game.  But it does greatly worry me because this affects me in a major way.  First of all, once a union gets in and get a contract signed, you have to start paying dues, even if nothing else changed, and once the contract is signed, you could be forced to wait up to three years to get rid of the bastards (yeah, I don't like unions much .... I'll get to that in a sec).  Once that happens (because Ohio is not a "Right to Work" state) you either pay your dues, or you don't have a job.  Join or get the hell out.  I mentioned earlier that I have never paid anyone for the privilege of working at a particular company, well I sure as hell ain't gonna start now.  I have been with Jeld-Wen for 19 years .... 19 years and now this piece of shit union is going come in here acting all big and bad and if they get in tell me I have to join them or leave the company I have been employed by for almost two decades?  Seriously?  These stupid, leftist, socialist, ignorant, Obama loving, maggot infested, shit eating, low life, scum bag, scrotal lickers had better back the f__k up!  Ask the people who used to work for Hostess, how great unions are.  I kind of hope some retarded, shit for brains, asshole (we have our fair share of those at the Ohio plant, and several are warehousemen, but not all) tries to give me a damned union card, cause I will take it home and wipe my ass with it, then put it in an envelope and send it in.  Remember, unions arethe people who think it is ok for cops, teachers, and air traffic controllers to go on strike, allowing crime to run rampant, children to go untaught, and airline safety to decline.  These are the same people who think that sports stars, who even sitting on the bench make $50,000.00 a year, should go on strike.  These are the people who continue to push people (and by push people I mean tell their members who to vote for .... just sayin) to vote for the guys who think that we can spend our way out of recession  (it's never happened before, but nobody ever accused the left of being very bright), and of raising taxes on the job providers, to pay for services to the unemployed.  I mean, seriously, these people are the reason you have some people, who get paid $25 - $50 an hour to watch a machine work .....  and you all wonder why new cars cost so much?  If the IAM gets in, at the Ohio plant, the only way I will continue to work for Jeld-Wen is if the union goes on strike .... cause I will be a scab in a heart beat!  You better believe it!  I hate that this is happening.  I mean to be honest, no I don't really like my work, I do think I am under paid, and quite frankly I have a number of issues with management and how the operation is run, but that is between me and management.  I may not always be happy with my job, but it is a job, and more importantly, it is a job that I can do and do well.  I neither want, nor need a F__KI_G union to intercede on my behalf, or to "negotiate" for me, and I sure as hell don't need someone to tell me to vote for some libtard dumbocrat moron from Chicago!

Vitam Libertatem Honorem

     Rereading this, I think I may have wanted to wait another day, but you know what ... I kind of like it as is ... consider it posted!


  1. I think a lot of us feel the same way. In the Klamath Falls area where we work there are several plants and the HQ. We are mostly conservatives who would never even consider the union under Dick Wendt as we all loved and respected him. Now things have changed. They dont even respect labor laws in Oregon, abuse employees on the production floor, openly use 4 letter words at the top of their voice when yelling at dedicated long term associates. Plant general managers violate laws, exhaust their employees, punish them and then at some point enough is enough. When the union people showed up it should not have changed anything with the attitudes and behaviors of management but it did and I am glad of that. I dont like unions but I dont like the lack of respect for labor laws and employees more. I will send my card in. Lets at least get a vote and settle this.

  2. I'm about to retire from a union job with 20 years. I will retire with a pension that insures I will never have to be burden to my kids or society. I paid dues my entire life and think it's a good investment.

    My union does make recommendations as to politics but they are recommendations that resulted from all of us union members voting.

    We also vote on every contract so I was never forced to do anything by my union.

    You have your opinions I have mine. I think workers need to look out for each other adn stand up for eacah other. Wall street almost destroyed this country and one fo the few institutions that stands up for us workers is the union.

    If a union does get into this place where you work, before you quit wait to vote on your first contract if you don't come ahead from the very beginning I'll be very surprised

  3. In the past, some of our plants actually shut down because of the union. They shuttled employees from other plants, from other states, to make parts to build up an inventory of parts just so they could transfer out all the tools. In my opinion, it does'nt make good sense to bring in the union jus to lose your job.
