Thursday, March 7, 2013

Dark Times Are Coming

     Well, I'll tell ya what, sometimes ya just gotta shake yer head...   What is wrong with this world anymore?  Ya got Iran wanting to nuke Israel off the face of the Earth, North Korea wants to nuke the U.S., the U.N. wants unilateral world wide gun control, and environmental laws, and the president of the U.S. wants to use drones against American citizens.  We have unemployment at record highs, foreclosures all over the place, record numbers of people on food stamps and other government assistance programs, but the government just keeps spending more and more money that they don't have, and then want to raise taxes in an attempt to get more so they can spend it too!  Places are going out of business, or cutting employees hours and benefits, at the same time as healthcare and insurance costs are rising, and gas prices are through the roof!  Food is getting more expensive, and if interest rates start going up, inflation will probably start skyrocketing as well.  An ancient Chinese curse says "may you live to see interesting times", well folks, I think we are there.  I have a bad feeling that really dark times are ahead of us.  How dark?  I don't know, but ya here things, read things ... maybe a lot of it is conspiracy nut jobs going off the deep end, but sometimes I look around and wonder if some of these so called "preppers" don't have the right idea.  Is there going to be an American dictatorship, a Chinese invasion, a nuclear war?  I don't know ... I hope not, but I look at the way things are headed right now, and I just don't see things ending real well for anyone.... Especially for those who aren't prepared.  I try to keep some food stored up ... it's not nearly enough, but it is what I can afford ....  canned goods, dry goods, some hygiene and cleaning  items, but I doubt it would last me two months in a real emergency, like an economic collapse, or a war on American soil.  If you don't already have a food storage program, you might want to do a little research on setting one up (there are several really good prepper sites you can find to help with that) and start stocking up on things, a little at a time.  Maybe this bad feeling is just me being depressed, but I don't think so.....  I hope I'm wrong and just bent out of shape because I'd rather be living in the 50s when shit made sense .......

Vitam Libertatem Honorem

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