Sunday, March 24, 2013

Ya know what I hate? I hate people who don't discipline their kids.  Or the people who just think if their kids get in trouble they (as parents) shouldn't be held accountable for what their children have done.  I would like to know when we stopped that?  When I was kid, if I destroyed someone's property, or broke the law, my parents were responsible for that.  What has changed?  Why are kids allowed to do pretty much whatever they want, wear whatever they want, behave however they want (without fear of any serious consequences), and then expected to have any respect for authority?  I mean seriously, could we possibly be sending a worse mixed message?  What has happened to discipline?  I really hate when someone says that children should never be afraid of their parents, as an excuse not to discipline their children.  Children shouldn't be afraid of their parents, however, if they aren't afraid of the punishment for breaking the rules, then where is the incentive to respect or follow the rules?  There have to be rules for acceptable behavior, and there has to be consequences, for violating those rules, and those consequences, have to be strong enough that kids want to avoid them.  Fear of consequences is an amazing motivator to follow the rules that society expects children to obey.  I am not certain why this is so freaking difficult for some people to understand.

Vitam Libertatem Honorem

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