Saturday, February 23, 2013

Right, blame it on Bush .......

     OK, so I see the post one of my friends on Facebook shared, that is a picture of Biden blaming the Recession on Bush, and the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, and other things Bush did .... Well let me tell ya, That is a load of crap!  What caused the supposed "Great Recession" (which I don't believe is over, recovery my ass!) was the policies started during the Clinton administration, with a Democratic House and Senate, forcing banks to give out loans to people that they knew would be unable to pay back.  Well, that created the whole sub-prime mortgage fiasco, and artificially inflated the value of homes, which made things even worse.  The housing market "bubble" that resulted look great, right up until it burst, in large part due to a down turn in employment, as two of the big three auto manufacturers, were about to declare bankruptcy.  Once the bubble burst, it was all over.  Alright, now let's look at what has happened since, shall we?  While the country was going through the worst economic situation since the 1930s (and I would argue that it was worse than then)  the government; bailed out the two failing auto companies (as opposed to allowing them to restructure under a bankruptcy agreement) bailed out the housing industry, passed the "stimulus" plan (where the hell did all of that money go????) passed a gigantic government takeover of the medical and medical insurance industries while at the same time raising, costs, prices, and additional taxes, and continues to spend money that we don't have, while printing more to "make up the difference" (quantitative easing) which in turn is devaluating  the dollar.  This whole cycle will eventually (maybe not today, but soon, I am certain) trigger an inflationary period where prices will sky rocket while people get paid less.  If it gets bad enough (and I think it will) total economic collapse is inevitable.  But yeah, it's all Bushes fault.  Because our fearless leader, the great apologist that he is, hasn't done anything to help bring us to this point .... right?  How long have we run without a budget?  How many times have we raised the debt ceiling? how much has he raised our national debt by?  WITHOUT MAKING ANYTHING ANY BETTER????  Seriously?  I will be the first to admit, that I was not real happy with many of the things President Bush did as President (he may have been a Republican, but he was a damned progressive ....  just like Obama), but to still be blaming him for this shit, (that was never really his fault to begin with) more than four years after Obama took office is patently ridiculous.

     And one other tiny little grump ....   I know people have been reading this (over 60 page views so far, not a ton I know, but more than I thought I'd have after just one week) but no one has posted a single comment???  Really?  Not one?  LOL Yeah, I know, as a grump goes it is pretty petty, but there it is.  Later folks.

Vitam Libertatem Honorem

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